The Tale of Love & Racing: Sarina’s Story – Chapter 207: So Close in the Desert

Friday, March 9 – ISM Raceway

Alan walks into the garage, taking one glance at his team to ensure Josh had them all doing their jobs, before focusing on his driver.

“Please tell me that you’re ready to focus today,” Alan comments, earning a questionable glance from Chase. “I heard you took up a new passion and I don’t want it to eat into our time.” Chase just shakes his head, knowing what it was in reference to.

“It’s a good distraction from my nerves while she’s racing,” Chase replies in reference to his camera hobby, and Alan could only nod his head in return. He still didn’t get how Chase could get nervous with Sarina racing, despite competing himself.

“But are you any good at it?” Chase takes out his phone, loading a couple of photos, before handing it over to the crew chief. “Okay, actually, these aren’t that bad….”

“Keep scrolling.” Chase smiles as he watches Alan get into the images that he had taken of Abigail earlier in the week while Sarina was holding her. The crew chief could only smile in delight in seeing her.

“She’s perfect, honestly.” He then hands the phone back over to Chase. “So how long until we get to see her at the track?”

“It could be a matter of weeks, or perhaps a month. It’s just about knowing when she’s ready for the next step.” Alan nods his head, accepting, knowing that there were precautions to take with her being born so early. However, he admittedly was impressed by the continued positive updates.

“See when I saw you messaged me yesterday, I thought you were sending me an image, or some good from the NAPA appearance. I had no idea that it’d be about Carter.” Chase lets out a sigh, nodding his head. It also explained him being caught off-guard in speaking with Laiken.

“It really bothers me that he went after her, and he also knew where to find her. I know he was Alison’s secret weapon, but it’s almost worse in knowing he’s working for himself now.” Alan understood the pronounced fear, given the latest information at hand.

“So what are we going to do tomorrow?” Chase figured it was easy in the theory of what he had put in place.

“She isn’t to be alone for a single moment, and neither am I. it’s like we’ve already said – strength in numbers.” Alan remembered that, but also still worried. Anything was possible now.

“What about security?” Chase lets out a sigh, not wanting to go there as Damien still lingered on his mind.

“What about Crane Industries? I mean, let’s be real Alan, we haven’t gotten anywhere with that. The investigator mentioned having officers in place, which I accepted for what’s it worth. But beyond that, I don’t want to take chances.” Alan knew why, given the fact that trust had been questioned from the beginning here. However, he felt confidence in seeing at least one added layer of protection.

“And you’re sure that you have everything in place for Laiken, too?” Chase nods his head, having gone over that with Laiken over the phone last night. He had also done his best apologizing for her involvement, in which she had told him the main thing was getting Carter and Daimen caught and she still felt bad for what happened before.

“She still regrets what happened with Alison using the pageant a way to begin things, and also getting the facial surgery to look like one of the girls. She holds that on her conscious as she felt the need to protect me and the othe-”

“She does realize that isn’t her fault, right? You’ve told her that.” Chase nods his head, having repeated that every single time. “I feel terrible, too, because she and the others are awesome at their job. You just have to keep assuring her and once we work this out, it’ll be easier.”

“I just wish that was now, and not a future topic.” Alan lets out a sigh, knowing things had dragged on long enough. “Are we ready to roll with practice?”

“Go ahead….”

“So you’re happy with the balance?” Alan questions as they walk out of the garage stall together. “And you think with something just like that, we can be the quickest in qualifying?”

“Absolutely,” Chase answers with assurance laced in his voice. “That literally was the best the car has felt all year, and right where we were last year when I said it was perfect. You have a niche for this place, and I feel confident.”

“I like where your head is at.” Alan then takes a quick glance at his notes, before watching where they were going. “Laiken texted me earlier. She got here halfway through practice so she spent it on the hauler with the guys, and then was going to hang inside afterwards.”

“I have no problem with that….”

The boys slip open the door to the 9 hauler, letting it slide back closed once inside.

“You told him, didn’t you?” They hear, casting a careful glance at each other.

“I didn’t!” They heard back in response, with Chase recognizing the voice right away. He then makes his way quickly through the transporter, forcing open the lounge door against the will pushed against it.

“Leave her alone!” Chase yells, pushing Carter unexpectedly, which causes Carter to fall forward onto the couch. Chase then presses against Carter’s back, while grabbing his fingers as he pries them back. “Nobody touches my wife, or my friends, and gets away with it. You’re a sick bastard!”

“Trust me – she enjoyed every minute of it,” Carter taunts back in response, playfully laughing despite the pain ringing through his fingers. The comment only made Chase pull back even more on the fingers. “You’re assaulting me, Elliott. That’s not a good look for you.”

“There’s a lot more that I want to do to you.” Hearing the voices behind from the officers, Chase lets him go, turning his eyes immediately to a stunned Laiken. “Are you okay?” She slowly nods her head in return. “Are you sure? He didn’t touch you, did he?”

“No, he didn’t get a chance to,” she replies back as she sits down on the couch.

Chase sits alongside her, giving her a space but also the comfort of someone being there with her fear, as they watch the officers take Carter out of the lounge. He only glanced back up when he saw one of them return shortly thereafter.

“Just so you are aware, Carter is in our custody and being transported to the facility of choice until trial,” the officer states. “He was essentially charged with conspiracy on an assortment of crimes involving Alison Reynolds, harassment, attempted murder with a deadly weapon on you, sexual assault on Mrs. Sarina Elliott, as well as harassment, threatening physical harm, and attempted sexual assault on Mrs. Laiken Baumgartner. Is there anything else that we should be made aware of?”

“No, that’s everything,” Chase states as Laiken could only look on in pure shock. She was aware of Sarina’s attack, but not of the sexual part of it. it made her even more thankful that Chase and Alan had entered when they did.

“Do you have any questions for me?” Both Chase and Laiken shake their heads no. “He did tell us that we should press charges of assault on Mr. Elliott, however we deferred those given the fact that he went after Mrs. Baumgartner. He did state he would be speaking to his lawyer about this, so be aware of what is possible.”

“It doesn’t matter. I’d do it over again.” Laiken could only take a deep breath in response.

“If you have any questions, you know our contact information.”

They then watch the officers as Chase lets out a long sigh of relief, easily accepting the bottle of water from Alan. Alan then handed one over to Laiken, in which she simply nodded in return.

“Are you okay?” Chase asks once again, only to receive a nod in response. “Is there someone that I can get or call for you?”

“Chase, I’m fine,” she repeats keeping her eyes focused forward.

“If you need someone to talk to, or anything, don’t hesitate to say anything. You can stay here as long as you want. Alan and I can debrief here, or even go somewhere els-”

“No, it’s fine. You can stay here. I’m fine.” Chase easily accepts as Alan sits down, taking out the familiar notes.

Going over every single note made, as well as breaking things down even further and going over video and tracking, both Chase and Alan believed that they had gotten the set-up for qualifying exactly where they wanted it.

Following the discussion, Alan left to give the crew their instructions on what to do set-up wise, before putting the car through technical inspection. Chase had glanced at the speed chart, seeing Sarina was eighth quickest in the first Xfinity practice. He also hadn’t been surprised in seeing Kyle at the top of the chart with Christopher second.

However, there was still another pressing matter on his mind.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” He asked Laiken for what seemed like the millionth time.

“Chase, I told you that I was fine,” she answers as she sips on the water he had given her. “I know you’re worried about me because of what you walked in on, but I’m fine. Unfortunately, that comes with the territory in this job sometimes. It hasn’t bothered me to date because I get that. I just brush it off, and move forward. You don’t need to worry.” He then sits back down beside her.

“So that’s why you stayed here without going anywhere…” She shakes her head no as she holds up her phone.

“I am waiting until the girls get into town, and then we’re going to cruise the pits together. And relax, I’m fine. I don’t need extra protection or anything, got it?” He nods his head. “Realistically, I understand your worry and nerves. I know of what you went through with Alison. I also heard the mention that it was actually a sexual assault on Sarina he committed. So I understand your fears and worries, and why you’re double and triple checking with me. I appreciate that you care, but Chase, I’m fine. And things are going to be okay.”

“I just hope that he goes to prison and stays there forever. I almost wish the cop didn’t walk in when he did so I could’ve broke Carter’s fingers.” Laiken takes a deep breath, understanding where that was coming from. However, one of the comments from the officer was still on her mind.

“What are you going to do if you get a call about the charges?” He looks over.

“I’d do it agai-”

“I’m serio-”

“So am I. I don’t care what they say, or what they try to send my way, Laiken. I would do it over again in a heartbeat, no matter the consequences. Besides, I was protecting you and that covers it.” She wasn’t as confident as he was, but she wanted to believe he was right.

“Well, if you do run into any problems, don’t hesitate to call me.” He nods his head, accepting.

“I appreciate that, but Laiken, I’ll be fine. I can handle it.”

Sarina had finished the second practice in ninth. It wasn’t quite the speed she wanted to have in the car, but she couldn’t complain with how comfortable it felt. She knew if they could keep that handling throughout the full race on Saturday, she could score yet another solid finish.

After finishing her debrief with Dave, she made her way over to where Lindsay was with Evelyn in her arms.

“Look at you!” She lets out, taking the child out of her arms immediately, hugging her. “You’re growing so big so quickly! And you’re certainly a cutie…” She watches a small smile form immediately on Evelyn’s face.

“I think she loves you already,” Lindsay comments, as Sarina could only smile in response. “She’s such a good baby, though. She isn’t fussy, and she only really cries if she’s hungry or she needs a diaper change. Other than that, she’s perfect. Oh, and she loves her cuddles.”

“So is already Ryan’s perfect little angel?” Lindsay nods her head as Sarina just chuckles back in response. “I’m not surprised. I mean, Chase took to Abigail immediately and you can see it on her face when he holds her. Let’s face it – we’ve lost our men to their children.”

“I think they have enough love to go around for both of us, really.” Lindsay then glances down at the ring on her finger. “I just wish it was that easy to feel everywhere.”

“Lindsay….” The concern was well laced in Sarina’s voice as she carefully watched her cousin.

“I don’t let it bother me, but it does.” Lindsay slowly looks up at Sarina. “Sisters are a pain in the ass sometimes, you know? I just want that approval already. I just want Emma to say it straight out, like Erin has.”

“Oh, so you have Erin’s full approval?” Lindsay nods her head. “See, Emma really doesn’t care where things stand – as long as Chase doesn’t hurt Erin in anyway. So I got through her approval pretty quickly. But for me, I’m still on the fence with Erin. She’s practically there, but yet I still feel that 10% ugh sometimes.”

“But you have Brittany and Starr on your side, and isn’t that what truly matters?” Sarina knew that Lindsay was right about that.

“Brittany may have given me my approval, but I know that if I do anything to tempt with that, she’s made sure that I’m aware she can bust my ass.” Sarina then hands Evelyn back over to Lindsay. “I’m just glad that you made the trip out here so we could spend some time together.”

“You just need to tell that daughter of yours to do what she needs to do and get the doctor’s approval to be released so we can spend every weekend together.”  That was also something that Sarina couldn’t argue about, considering that it’d make her life much easier.

“Soon. I have a feeling that will be happening sooner than some people may believe. They want to try and allow her to breathe totally on her own, and see if she’ll handle eating well. If she can past both of those tests with flying colors, it may be time.”

“Ugh!” Sarina lets out as she watches the final speeds from qualifying become official. So close, yet so far.

With the qualifying session in the book for Sunday’s race, Chase would start second – one spot shy of what they had both ultimately wanted. However, there was no way that Sarina could be angry as it was Ryan on the pole. It only took a glance down pit road in seeing Lindsay and Evelyn sharing kisses with Ryan to erase any chance of being angry.

“I hate qualifying second,” Sarina hears Chase openly admit to the media. “We’ve qualified second out here last Fall and then this one. But I guess he isn’t a bad one to qualify second to. But, I look forward to Sunday. I think our Hooters Camaro at least has a good place to start and we can have a good pit selection. That’s important. We have a long race ahead. But, I’d really like to get a pole outside of a speedway track. We’ll try again next week.”

He then walks over to Sarina, wrapping both arms around her.

“That pole is coming, I promise,” she tells him, before giving him a kiss on the cheek. “There’s nothing to hang your head about…”

“I know,” he replies with a sigh. “I just wanted that so badly and to be so close like that sucks. If I get through turn one just a little smoother, we have the pole. It’s gut-wrenching…” She nods her head in agreement.

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